Thursday, September 17, 2015

All The Red Tape and Hoops You Have to Jump Through!

Well, if it wasn't for all the red tape with my insurance, which by the way is supplemental in addition to my Medicare and is paid for out of pocket, and then ALSO having to have a referral from my Primary Doctor, not the Rheumatologist or Oncologist that I have been seeing for the Carcinoid Syndrome, I could already have gotten an appointment at Northwestern. The scheduling lady was nice enough to say I could pay out of pocket but that it would be in the thousands of dollars.  Sure, like we have that just laying around. And there is still no guarantee that my insurance will cover all of this because 1) it's out of my network (YA THINK!? Since only 5 states have knowledgeable physicians and Michigan isn't one of them and  2) because it's a non-curable cancer. But I'm also told not to get stressed because that isn't good for me either. PLEASE someone tell me how to not stress when I have almost 24 hrs every day to do nothing but think about this? And ObamaCare has made it even harder to get help if you have Cancer or anything else that is terminal. 

On a good note though, I took the time and contacted 2 of my cousins to let them know what is going on. I debated because I really don't want to burden anyone or have them pity me. But being cousins, I felt they had the right to know. I haven't heard from one of them yet, but I really wasn't sure I would or not.  However, I have heard from the other one and am soooo very happy about that. If you have family members you haven't talked to in a long time, or have a grudge against someone - please make up with them.  No one, not you or the other person, is guaranteed a tomorrow. 

So right now I'm home waiting to hear if Mike got a hold of my doctor for the referral and also my insurance company (he takes care of all my medical issues). I'm very anxious to see what he has to say when he gets home. It seems like for every step forward, there are 2 or 3 steps backwards.I am just praying that I can get into Northwestern soon and get started on this Cancer treatment. 

If you don't suspect, you can't detect it!

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